1.Tomorrow (Saturday)- Warbler Walk with Warren in Woodward:This is part of our monthly Second Saturday Community Days Series. Meet at Warren's house at 1:45pm to carpool into the forests of Woodward Gap.
2.PVCA is hiring. We are also offering a free course in stream monitoring with the PA Fish & Boat Commission May 24th (space is limited and you must register). Here are the details, please share.
3. PVCA has extended our deadline for two $500 dollar Environmental Stewardship Awards to graduating Penns Valley seniors until May 15th. If you know of a senior that has demonstrated a commitment to conserving our local natural and cultural resources and who plans to use their talents and expertise to continue as good stewards of the natural world, please encourage them to apply. Applications are available in the high school guidance counseling office. PVCA encourages all seniors with an interest in environmental stewardship to apply. Read more on our website and to download your application. http://pennsvalley.net/environmental-stewardship-award.htm
4. WSOV presents Live at the Bremen Town Ballroom Friday May 16th
"Live at the Bremen Town Ballroom" is a show raising money to make the low powered FM station WSOV a reality. WSOV is a service of the Penns Valley Conservation Association.
5. Frogfest June 7th! Mmmmuddddyyy PAWS!!!
6. On June 25 the Society of American Foresters: Rothrock Chapter will be presenting “Wildlife Habitat Management and Young Forest Initiative” at Lake Perez in Stone Valley. PVCA is inviting you to join us in a fun and educational field trip for all ages. This is a great opportunity for us all to learn more about other Young Forest Projects around the region please e-mail Jim Flanagan @ pvcaeducator@pennsvalley.net , with enough interest we will reserve a bus. Here is an extended video featuring PVCA's Young Forest Initiative and an article featuring our Young Forest project on the Young Forest Website If you would like to help in the planting of 4,000 trees at our project sites mentioned in the video please e-mail Lyslesherwin@gmail.com from the PVCA Watershed Committee, the trees are here and ready for the soil.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LTpcmH7l6y0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And a huge thank you to the Centre Foundation and all of you who participated in Centre Gives, making our work possible. Thank you.