Value Added PVCA Products

As a non-profit we can produce and sell goods and services that are within the spectrum of the mission of our organization. Historically the PVCA Funding Stream has mostly been dependent on Grant Funding, our membership, and fundraisers. Part of my vision for PVCA is that we will have a diverse and stable funding stream that includes value added products that help us to achieve the mission of the organization that are also funding streams (pun intended?).

PVCA's Mission is to serve as a steward for the natural and cultural communities in the Upper Penns Creek watershed. We seek to preserve and honor the agricultural roots of Penns Valley by protecting and conserving its waters, farmlands, forests and rural heritage.

One of the places that I have been exploring as a lynchpin for opportunities for PVCA to meet the mission of the organization through the development of value-added products has been at Martin's Feedmill.  
Martin’s Feed Mill which orders, receives, mills, processes, and ships hundreds of tons of animal grade  grains a year including  corn, oats, wheat, barley, and rye. Many of these grains as well as sunflower seeds are sourced locally.  They fill tractor trailor loads with these mixes, bag their own line of grains, and also sell bagged outside products- Purina feeds, fertrell organics, ivesco, and cooperative feed dealers. They also produce their own line of custom mixes, which can be made for orders of 500 pounds or more. The initial two conversations have been informal just getting a feel for the mill and their own potential market opportunities, gathering information and researching the types of potential mutually beneficial arrangements for PVCA and Martin’s Mill located in Coburn, PA. If PVCA members are interested perhaps we can propose the development of a buying club to increase demand of local and watershed friendly grain options, and/or the development of a Martin’s Mill/PVCA product. I have conducted interviews with a handful of local residents to determine interest and current purchasing at Martin’s. One of the main requests I have heard is non-GMO corn, non-GMO soybeans, and full local milled birdseed mix which they currently do not offer. Through the buying club or a PVCA brand product we could also consider developing a retail product. Perhaps some sort of certification for "Watershed Friendly Farms."

What would you like to see the Mill offer?  Look for further discussion at the PVCA Annual Meeting and in our newsletter. 

Strategically these are the goals of PVCA-- 

Desired Impact: In service of PVCA’s mission and vision, we seek to foster a sense of community and a healthy economy within the Upper Penns Creek Watershed by maintaining water quality, sound environmental education and planning, and the Valley’s rural heritage.
Objective: To facilitate an environmentally educated, inspired and engaged watershed community.
Objective: To ensure that all watershed municipalities consistently practice sound environmental stewardship.
Objective: To achieve and maintain drinkable*, fishable, and swimmable* quality water in all surface and ground waters.
Objective: To encourage entrepreneurial spirit and locally owned businesses and farms that create environmentally sound jobs.
Objective:  To continue to strengthen PVCA’s organizational structure and community image.
·    Expand environmental education using a multi-disciplinary approach relevant to the entire watershed constituency
·    Develop an environmental stewardship recognition program
·    Utilize media and publicity more effectively for education
·    Build awareness of changes in water temperature
·    Build public awareness and support of clean water initiatives
·    Become broader community resource for conservation political issues
·    Serve as an educator to local government and businesses on environmental matters
·    Be an effective advocate for relevant issues
·    Promote knowledge and advocacy among membership
·    Facilitate creation of municipal stormwater management plans
·    Facilitate and/or implement water restoration and preservation projects
·    Continue agricultural BMP and stream restoration work

*legal terms
·    Provide resources to build local businesses
·    Build inter-business alliances and partnerships
·    Encourage the use of existing structures
·    Create/facilitate educational programming that connects the environment with economics
·    Strengthen administrative and governance structure
·    Expand base of support
·    Broaden public awareness and brand recognition
·    Diversify funding streams
·    Expand and improve use of volunteers
·    Develop and implement a Board succession plan

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