PVCA Christmas Bird Count

The time has come once again for the Annual Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count (CBC) in Penns Valley. This is 114th year for the longest lasting citizen scientist survey in the world. Every year thousands of people around the world participate as official organized "circles" that count the number of species of birds and quantity of those species in a 15 mile radius during a 24 hour period.  This is our first year as an official circle and we want to make sure that we have our routes planned out with at least one experienced birder per vehicle. If you are an experienced birder we are encouraging you to e-mail andrea@pennsvalley.net to get involved for the official Penns Valley circle on Dec. 18th. 

We will be meeting DECEMBER 17th 7 AM at the IngleBean to go over the plan. We will also be coordinating around the Great Backyard Bird Count in mid-February as well as hosting educational birding walks and tours, all birding levels are encouraged. 
From the Audubon Website:
When does the count happen?
All Christmas Bird Counts are conducted between December 14 to January 5 inclusive dates each season. Your local count will occur on one day between those dates. Participate in as many counts as you wish!
How does participation work?
There is a specific methodology to the CBC, and you must make arrangements to participate in advance with the circle compiler, but anyone can participate.
Each count takes place in an established 15-mile wide diameter circle, and is organized by a count compiler.
If you are a beginning birder, you will be able to join a group that includes at least one experienced birdwatcher.
If your home is within the boundaries of a CBC circle, then you can stay at home and report the birds that visit your feeder on count day as long as you have made prior arrangement with the count compiler. Check out the sign-up link above for information on how to contact the compiler.
Read the CBC FAQs to learn more. 
The results from the Penns Valley Area CBC 2012: 
Mallard 148 Field Sparrow 23
Common Crow 118
 European Sparrow 42
European Starling 503
Tree Sparrow 55
Great Blue Heron 4
Northern Cardinal 23
Pileated Woodpecker 1
American Pipit 1
American Goldfinch 29
Common Raven 9
Tufted Titmouse 23
Red Tailed Hawk 11
Blue Jay 27
 American Kestral 15
Mourning Dove 177
 Swamp Sparrow 5
Black Capped Chickadee 61
Eastern Bluebird 16
Canada Goose 48
Belted Kingfisher 4
White-crowned Sparrow 3
Sharp Shin Hawk 1
Downy Woodpecker 15
Cooper's Hawk 3
Carolina Wren 15
Horned Lark 3
Rock Dove 294
Grey Catbird 1
Junco 77
Eastern Phoebe 1
White Breasted Nuthatch 19
 House Finch 16
Wild Turkey 96
 Purple Finch 2
Red Bellied Woodpecker 14
 Bald Eagle 1
Northern Mockingbird 6
 Black Vulture 5
Golden Crowned Kinglet 6
 Rough-legged Hawk 1
Common Grackle 4
Great Horned Owl 2
Hairy Woodpecker 2
Ring-necked Pheasant 1
Song Sparrow 4 

Thanks for reading

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