PVCA Second Saturday Community Days

Second Saturdays of the month PVCA will be hosting an educational series focused on species identification, habitat, and ecological restoration around the Upper Penns Creek Watershed (Penns Valley Area). All ages are welcome!
March 8th "Late Winter on a Modern Homestead"


Saturday, February 8

From 2 - 4 P.M.

Muddy Paws Marsh

 Come to Muddy Paws Marsh 2-4 to search for signs of life in winter for a PVCA Second Saturday Community Day. We will explore the marsh for tracks, scat and other animal signs and continue our BioBlitz. We will also learn some basic fire building techniques. Please dress for an outdoor program and get ready to explore. Appropriate for all ages.


Saturday January 11 WINTER TREE (and Bird) I.D. Workshop
From 2 - 4 P.M.

At the Penns Valley Environmental Center @Penns Valley Elementary
4545 Penns Valley Rd, Spring Mills, PA
This Saturday is the first in this series, and we will be focusing on Tree and Bird I.D. at the Environmental Center in Winter.

Eeegadz it's a Bioblitz! What is a BioBlitz you say?? A bioblitz is a gathering together of people who want to walk around a specified area to identify various species as a team. Through focusing on indicator species and species inventories (throughout the seasons year after year at specific locations) we are given a snapshot of the state of our ecosystems to prioritize corridor restoration, guide our projects, and to stitch together collaborations.

This Saturday we will learn from local tree experts and some of our youth bird experts on a most educational and fun walk.

Please sign-up if you are planning to attend.
The Environmental Center  is roughly 65 forested acres on PVASD property. It is one of an array of specific ecotypes where we are providing environmental education through the schools and in the community. This is our first official Second Saturday, and we'll be hosting them at various locations around the Penns Valley Area with specific seasonal topics (mark your calendars!). There will be some community members and youth who will be there who know their trees and birds. And of course, everybody is welcome!
These Saturdays will help to guide the launching of our STrEaM Internship Program as well as some exciting opportunities to work for environmental restoration through PVCA, which we will officially be announcing in our Spring Newsletter.
You can also check out the Second Saturdays fb event.
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